Nancy tagged me with this tag game nad I'm behind on getting it up here! I am to list seven random things about me and then tag seven other people - or as many other people as I can - but here is how it works:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven things about me:
1. I’m back in school and OMG does it take a lot of time. How did I do this before?
2. I absolutely love to take pretty pictures and share them with family and friends.
3. My favorite sandwich from “Which Wich” is the egg salad on wheat with cheddar, garlic and pickles. But don’t get to close after I’ve had one or your nose will run off your face! ;o)
4. I love to sit outside and watch the rain.
5. My hubby and I have a big DVD collection - over 300 the last time I checked.
6. I love to buy new shoes and I keep them all in plastic boxes (with pictures) in the top (and bottom and anywhere else I can cram them) of my closet.
7. I love to cuddle but when it’s time to sleep, I need my space so please don’t crowd me.
I'm tagging some of my new friends from scrapper’s zone so they can get to know me a little better:
Patricia, Imanita, Nicole,
Roxanna, and
Rose*I know this is more than 7 and some of you have been tagged already, but I thought this would be a great way for us to get to know each other – no need to repost the tag if you’ve been tagged – just thought I’d share the fun!