Well, I’m back. My grandmother has been moved into a nursing home that provides rehabilitation. As soon as her back starts to feel better, they’re going work with her so she can start walking again - then she'll be able to go home. She is going to be on oxygen from now on and we’ll have to take extra care to protect her from the flue and/or pneumonia since she only has one working lung. Getting all that sorted out last week, making up the time I missed from work and finishing my homework took up so much time that I wasn’t able to scrap or blog.
Here are some pics of my sister and her youngest son taken just before this past Halloween. He was too young to carve the pumpkin like the rest of us. But that was fine because he had such a great time painting, gluing, etc…on this pumpkin! I used a kit called Harvest Spice by
Shabby Princess.
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