Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello Readers!

(I hope you SATC fans get the title!)

It’s been a hectic week and I’m SO behind on my blog. {Sorry} My mom had an emergency appendectomy last Wednesday. It took a few days for her to recover but I’m happy to tell you she went home this weekend. Combine that with daily visits to my grandmother (who is still recovering from her recent fall) in the nursing home, a 40 hour work week, homework and trying to spend some time with my hubby – I just didn’t have a lot of time left!

Well, as you may remember, we went to Dallas a couple weekends ago to visit our good friends the Parmas. It was Keith’s b-day & graduation day! On Sunday, we went down town and took some photos in the arts district. I’ve got to get busy uploading those to Kodak gallery! In the mean time, here’s a snap shot of Carrie and I in front of a SATC movie poster. We both saw this from across the street and knew we needed a picture - we are BIG fans of the show and are anxiously awaiting the movie release at the end of this month.


Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Hope your mom and your grandmother are both feeling better! Sounds like you've been busy!!

Well, here's something that I hope you'll consider fun. You've been TAGGED. I figured this would be a fun way to get to know folks from the ADS list. Come on over to my blog at Designs by Crazy Diamond to see what to do about this tagging. Hope to see you soon.

Rose said...

That's fun!!! Hope your mom is doing better. She's in my prayers. Let me know her status, okay!

Heather Stokes said...

Glad to hear your Mom got to come home....

I see you already have been but here is another TAG!
HE HE HE....I got QUADRUPLE tagged and so it is now YOUR turn.....Details on my blog Have a GREAT DAY!!!!