This is an exciting day! I am seeing the world clearly for the first time - no glasses, no contacts, just my eyes working the way they’re supposed to. :o) Yesterday I had LASIK eye surgery and as you can see above, there’s a BIG difference in the way I see the world.
The graphic on the left represents what I used to see when I looked at the doctor’s eye chart without glasses. This is what it has looked like for as long as I can remember. You see, I have been wearing glasses since I was two (at least, that’s what mom tells me). Yes, two years old. I can’t even remember a time when I wasn’t wearing glasses or contacts.
The graphic on the right is what the eye chart looked like at my follow up visit this morning. Less than 24 hours after my surgery. This morning I was at 20/30 in each eye separately and 20/25 with both eyes – how amazing is that? Remember that "perfect" vision is considered 20/20. I was able to read the instructions on my eye drops from a normal distance – before, I would have needed to hold box less than 1 inch away from my eyes in order to read it with out glasses! As my hubby drove us to my eye appointment this morning, I marveled at being able to see street signs, tree leaves and license plates with out even squinting.
Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating just a little bit - I’m not seeing completely clearly. There is a little bit of haze – kind of like looking through fog. The doctor says that’s normal and should go away as my eyes heal. Also, my eyes hurt and when they get dry, it feels like I have sand in my eyes…but I am so happy b/c I can see such a difference. I have to wear sunglasses indoors for the next 3 days and outside for at least a month. I also have to wear goggles to sleep for the next 7 days (so I don’t accidentally rub my eyes).
The surgery didn’t hurt, but it was nerve racking! I won’t go into detail b/c every time I start talking about it, people get all queasy. But, I think it’s a great trade off for being able to see. Whoo hoo!
The graphic on the left represents what I used to see when I looked at the doctor’s eye chart without glasses. This is what it has looked like for as long as I can remember. You see, I have been wearing glasses since I was two (at least, that’s what mom tells me). Yes, two years old. I can’t even remember a time when I wasn’t wearing glasses or contacts.
The graphic on the right is what the eye chart looked like at my follow up visit this morning. Less than 24 hours after my surgery. This morning I was at 20/30 in each eye separately and 20/25 with both eyes – how amazing is that? Remember that "perfect" vision is considered 20/20. I was able to read the instructions on my eye drops from a normal distance – before, I would have needed to hold box less than 1 inch away from my eyes in order to read it with out glasses! As my hubby drove us to my eye appointment this morning, I marveled at being able to see street signs, tree leaves and license plates with out even squinting.
Ok, so maybe I am exaggerating just a little bit - I’m not seeing completely clearly. There is a little bit of haze – kind of like looking through fog. The doctor says that’s normal and should go away as my eyes heal. Also, my eyes hurt and when they get dry, it feels like I have sand in my eyes…but I am so happy b/c I can see such a difference. I have to wear sunglasses indoors for the next 3 days and outside for at least a month. I also have to wear goggles to sleep for the next 7 days (so I don’t accidentally rub my eyes).
The surgery didn’t hurt, but it was nerve racking! I won’t go into detail b/c every time I start talking about it, people get all queasy. But, I think it’s a great trade off for being able to see. Whoo hoo!
Just passin' thru to say hello! CONGRATS on the new eyesight!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I'm such a chicken, LOL... I'm stuck with your previous view!!
Yay!! I'm so glad you're doing better. And I'm soooo excited for you and your new eyes!!!
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