I used one of my templates to create the LO above. One of my best friends from high school had her first baby last week – I’m so thrilled for her. They emailed me some photos and I “borrowed" one to do this page. I’m going to do a whole badge album and send it to her. *Kareygirl, if you’re reading this, act surprised when you get my gift! ;o) I used a digiscrap kit called “For Nadya” by Bunny Cates (of digital-scrapbooking.org) & Kim Broedelet (of Kimb's designs).
I’m sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I promise not to let it slip for this long any time soon. In my defense, I’ve been super busy trying to get ahead on my homework and work-work because I have Lasik surgery scheduled for this Thursday. I want to make sure I don’t leave anything unfinished so that I can let me eyes rest for a couple of days after the surgery. I’m so excited and so scared all at the same time. I’ve done a lot of research and I know the risk of complications is less than 1%...but there’s that little voice inside that keeps saying, “what if you’re that less than 1%?” But, I think it’s worth it to finally be able to see! I’ve worn glasses since I was 2! So, it’s about time.
KJ -
I love the new badge album template idea, and I plan to get the kit as soon as you release it. I have lots of friends who wear badges and would love these. Thanks for the good idea.
Also, good luck on the Lasik, I had Rdial Keratotamy many years ago, and it was definitely worth it. I had almost perfect vision for 20+ years. "Crossing my fingers for you" You are on my prayer list.
Lasik! How exciting for you!!! I know you've got to be soooo excited. Liz and Bekah both had it. . .and they are okay so I know you'll do great!!
oh my gosh this is sooo cute! I love it! I'll be praying for you on Thursday too!
love you!
Thank you, I can't wait to see my present! I am excited you are having the Lasik. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. :) Love you, Take care.
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